Biff meaning for harrsement
Biff meaning for harrsement

biff meaning for harrsement

If you’re using a business or service and another customer harasses you, it isn’t usually discrimination.

biff meaning for harrsement

For example if your colleague harasses you, your colleague and your employer are both legally responsible. If someone who works for one of these organisations harasses you, the organisation is also responsible for the discrimination. public authorities, for example the police or your local council.a health or care provider, like a hospital or care home.a business or service provider, like a shop or a train company.The harassment you experienced was discrimination under the Equality Act if it was done by: For example if someone harasses you in a park or shouts at you from their car, it won’t usually be discrimination under the Equality Act. The Equality Act only covers harassment in some situations. what happened is harassment under the Equality ActĬheck if the person is liable under the Equality were harassed because of things like your age or race - these things are called ‘protected characteristics’.the person who harassed you is liable under the Equality Act.The harassment you experienced might have been discrimination under the Equality Act. Check if the harassment was discrimination If your partner or family member makes you feel anxious or threatenedĬontact a domestic abuse organisation to check what services are available.

Biff meaning for harrsement